About Us

Hous of Matrix is a Technological Organization which was established in November 2022 in Mbeya, Tanzani. e aimed at creating communityscience family with people who are passionate and depply engage with Technology and innovation with Electronics

House of Matrix mostly based on the Technology innovation and we offer the following services:

  • Incubator Design

  • Circuit Design and Prototyping

  • Proteus and Matlab Simulation

  • Camera and Electrical Fence Installation

  • Software Design and Web Application Development

  • Electrical and Electronics Lab Srvices

  • Micro-controller programming such as Arduino, Esp and Pic

  • Computer Servicing and Windows Installation

  • Selling Electrical and Electronics Components

  • Mechanical Design of Materials

  • Solar Backup installation

  • Wiring, Electrical installation and Automation

We have our own workshops for Electrical, Electronics and Mechnical which offer all services based on the field

Also we have Electrical and Electronics store which offer different Electronics Materials for Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. They include Micro-controller

  • Arduino Uno

  • Rasberry Pi

  • ESP Controller

  • PIC Controller

  • Different Sensor like Utrasonic

  • Wiring Material like cables, Bulb, Solar etc

We as House of Matrix (HOM), the community science family we belive that, in Technology nothing is impossible, lets do it.